BBC News – Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich convention

Star Wars Convention turns nasty!

Here we have a Great story on the BBC News, where trouble flared up at the fourth Norwich Sci-Fi and Film Convention which is organised by the Norwich Star Was Club. The police were called when rivals from a separate Star Wars club arrived to seek autographs!

A spokesman said they had been called to reports of a man being assaulted at the convention

“This wasn’t a fight between Star Wars fans and Doctor Who fans with lightsabers and sonic screwdrivers drawn”

Jim Poole of Norwich Sci-Fi Club

“After a lengthy investigation, talking to witnesses and reviewing good CCTV footage, it was confirmed that there was no assault,” the spokesman said.

“The two rival groups were spoken to and advised to keep out of each other’s way.”

BBC News – Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich convention.

Who would win out of Star Wars and Dr. Who Fans? Leave us a comment below!